Follow Up Messages

Sending follow-up messages or "drip campaigns" is a powerful email marketing tactic.  You can create a follow up messages to welcome subscribers to your newsletter, to advertise for a special event, to send reminders, and more. 

Create a Follow-up List

  1. Follow the directions in the Create a List Wiki article to create a new list specifically for the follow up messages.  The list name must contain the word "follow-up". E.g. "Web site signup follow-up."
    1. This ensures that you don't inadvertently trigger a follow-up plan to an established list, or import subscribers without knowing the list is potentially tied to a follow-up plan.
    2. Please note: any existing subscribers or new subscribers added to a follow-up plan/list, by any method, can potentially and immediately receive an email according to the plan schedule.

Create a Follow-up Message

  1. Open the Messages folder and click  Follow Up
  2. Click the Convert message to follow-up message button
  3. Select a message
  4. Click the Select Message button
  5. Edit the Subject and From address
  6. Click Send Test Email if you would like to receive a copy of the email before setting up the follow-up message
  7. Click Next
  8. If the information is correct, check the box I agree that the above information is correct
  9. Click the Create Follow-up Email button

Create a Follow-up Plan


  1. Open the Messages folder and click  Follow Up
  2. Click the Add follow-up plan button
  3. Enter a Follow-up Description
  4. Select the list you would like to connect this follow-up plan with

  5. Select messages from the master list that you would like to send as a follow-up message
  6. Click the  icon to preview the message
  7. Click, drag, and drop the follow-up messages from the master list to the current message list to add messages to the follow-up plan

  8. If you want to create another follow-up message to add to the master list, click the Add New Follow-Up Message button
  9. Click on the message in the Current message follow-up schedule panel and change the number of days to wait before sending this message. To send a message out immediately, select "0 days after previous send."
  10. Click Update to save changes to the days after previous send
  11. Click Save to save the Follow-up message plan
  12. Once the follow-up plan is exactly how you want it, change the status from Paused to Active

  13. Click Save to save the Follow-up message plan

Edit the Follow-up Plan

  1. Open the Messages folder and click  Follow Up
  2. Double click the follow-up plan or select and click Edit follow-up plan
  3. Change the options by following the steps listed previously

Pause the Follow-up Plan

  1. Open the Messages folder and click  Follow Up
  2. Select the follow-up plan you would like to Pause
  3. Click Pause follow-up plan