Statistical Charts

This report displays charts for various email send statistics including open rate, bounce rates, and subject lines by open rate.

  1. Click Reports
  2. Click Custom Reports
  3. Double click Statistical Charts
  4. You'll see a page with many graphical reports including:
    1. Stats Summary
    2. Top Subject Lines by Open Rate
    3. Bottom Subject Lines by Open Rate
    4. Number of Opt-outs by Week
    5. Open rate, CTR, and CTOR by Day of the Week
    6. Sent, Delivered, and Bounced by Month
    7. Open rate, CTR, and CTOR by From Address
    8. Open rate, CTR, and CTOR by Month
    9. Open rate, CTR, and CTOR by Week
  5. To select a new date range, select the date range from the boxes at the top of the screen and click Submit.