Global Suppression List

A global suppression list is a list of email addresses or domains that you do not want to receive any communication.  These email addresses or domains can include:

  1. Email addresses that do not exist
  2. Known SPAM trap email addresses
  3. Email addresses you do not want any message from your account or any of your sub accounts
  4. Domains that do not exist or you do not want to receive any of your messages

Add Subscribers to the Global Suppression List

  1. Click Tools in the left menu
  2. Click Global Suppression List 
  3. Click Add to Suppression List to add email addresses to the global suppression list
  4. Paste a list of email addresses or domains to add them to the list
    1. Note: The email addresses need to be listed one per line
  5. If you are suppressing specific email addresses, select Emails from the bottom option
  6. If you are suppressing domains, select Domains from the bottom option 
    1. A domain is a URL that comes after the @ sign.  (ex:
  7. Click Save
  8. Click Close

Delete Subscribers from the Global Suppression List

  1. Click Tools in the left menu
  2. Click Global Suppression List 
  3. Click Delete from Suppression List to take email addresses off of the global suppression list
  4. Paste a list of email addresses or domains to take them off the list
    1. Note: The email addresses need to be listed one per line
  5. Click Save
  6. Click Close