Facebook Signup Form

Create a New Facebook Signup Form

The "Facebook Signup Box" is a Facebook app that you can add to your company's Facebook page.  This app allows visitors to subscribe to your email lists directly from your Facebook page.  These subscribers will be added to the appropriate subscriber lists in your account

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tools, then click Facebook Signup Box or go to the Facebook app directly using this link
  2. Log into your Facebook account, if you are not already logged in
  3. The app will check to see if you are logged into eMail Networks.  If you are not, follow the screen prompt to log into your account.  Once logged in, your Facebook account will be connected to your eMail Networks account

  4. Fill out the form to create your Facebook signup form
    1. Select the default signup list
    2. Enter the full URL for the logo that will appear at the top of the form, or keep the default CI logo
    3. Enter the full URL of the page you want subscribers to be forwarded to once they sign up for the list or link to the default Thank You page
    4. Other options: select a triggered message to automatically be sent to new subscribers, select additional lists, and/or select other custom fields to show on the form

  5. Click Add Form to your FB Page
  6. Select the Facebook Page where you want to add the new Facebook app. 
    1. (Note: If your page does not show up, it means you already have a signup form on your page, so you either need to uninstall the app first, or follow the directions below to edit an existing form.)
  7. Click Add Page Tab
  8. A message should appear stating that the Signup Form has been added to your Facebook page

  9. Click View your FB Page to see the app that is now installed on your Facebook page

Edit an Existing Form

  1. Click Tools, then click Facebook Signup Box or use this direct link
  2. Log into your Facebook account, if you are not already logged in
  3. Click Edit your existing Facebook Signup form
  4. Fill out the form to update the Facebook Signup form
  5. Click Update Form

To change the app name or image that appears on your Facebook page:

  1. Navigate to your Facebook page
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Apps in the left menu
  4. Click the "edit settings" for the sign up form app
  5. Edit the name and click Save

If you're using an older version of Facebook:

  1. Click the Down arrow next to the apps on your Facebook page
  2. Click the Edit pencil icon over the Facebook Signup Form app
  3. Click Edit Settings
  4. Click the link Custom Tab Image: Change to select a new image
  5. Type the Custom Name to change the name that appears below the app

Delete an Existing Form

  1. Navigate to your Facebook page
  2. Click Settings
  3. Click Apps in the left menu
  4. Click the 'x' to the right of the app

If you're using an older version of Facebook:

  1. Log into your Facebook account and go to your Facebook page
  2. Click the Down arrow next to the apps
  3. Click the Edit pencil icon over the Facebook Signup Form app
  4. Click Uninstall App