Edit a Subscriber

How does an an admin manually edit subscriber information?

An administrator can manually edit a subscriber's information, including custom fields and subscription preferences.

  1. Open the Subscribers & Lists folder
  2. Click All Subscribers
  3. Search for the subscriber in the Search window by entering any part of their email address, first name, or last name
  4. Once the subscriber has been located, select the record and double-click it to access its detailed subscriber record
  5. To edit the custom fields, open the Custom fields section by clicking the arrow and then editing the fields:
  6. To manually unsubscribe this subscriber from all future messages, check the box "Unsubscribe from All"
  7. To change what lists the subscriber is on: under the Available Lists tab, check the list(s) to which the subscriber wishes to be re-subscribed
  8. Click Update to save the changes

How does an an admin manually re-subscribe someone?

An administrator can manually add a subscriber back to the list(s) from which the subscriber had unsubscribed.

  1. Open the Subscribers & Lists folder
  2. Click All Subscribers
  3. Search for the subscriber in the Search window by entering any part of their email address, first, or last name
  4. Once the subscriber has been located, select the record and double-click it to access its detailed subscriber record
  5. In the first tab, make sure that the option is NOT checked to Unsubscribe from All
  6. Under the Available Lists tab, check the list(s) to which the subscriber wishes to be re-subscribed
  7. Click Update