Report Items Glossary


Below are metrics that are provided in the Email Tracking Reports. Each email campaign you send has unique open and click numbers that reflect how many individuals opened your email or clicked on at least one link in your email.

Bounce RatePercentage of sent messages that bounced (Total Bounce Count / Total Sent)
Total Bounce CountTotal number of hard and soft bounces
Click CountTotal number of clicks
Delivered CountNumber of sends delivered (Total Sent - Total Bounce Count)
Did Not ClickNumber of subscribers who didn't click a link (Number of Deliveries - Unique Click Count)
Did Not OpenNumber of subscribers who didn't open the message (Number of Deliveries - Unique Open Count)
Delivery RatePercentage of messages delivered (Delivered Count / Total Sent)
Open CountNumber of times a message was opened
Total Sent (Sent Count)Number of emails sent
Unique Click CountNumber of different subscribers that clicked on any link in a send
Unique Click Rate (Unique Click-through Rate)Percentage of Unique Clicks divided by the Delivered Count
Unique Open CountNumber of different subscribers that opened a send
Unique Open RatePercentage of subscribers who opened the message (Unique Opens / the Delivered Count)
Unique Unsubscribe CountNumber of unique subscribers who unsubscribed
Unique Unsubscribe RatePercentage of subscribers who unsubscribed (Unique Unsubscribes / Total Sent)
Unsubscribe CountTotal number of times subscribers attempted to unsubscribe
Hardbounce CountNumber of Bounces: Hard (domain unknown, user unknown, bad syntax error)
Softbounce CountNumber of Bounces: Soft  (mailbox full, temporarily inactive, temporary domain failure)
Complaint CountNumber of complaints                    
Unique Complaint CountNumber of subscribers who sent a complaint
Open RatePercentage of subscribers who opened a message (Open Count / Delivered Count)
Click-through RateNumber of  Clicks divided by the Number of Delivered Emails
Click-to-open RateNumber of Clicks divided by the Number of Opened Emails
Complaint RatePercentage of delivered emails that resulted in a complaint (Number of Complaints / Number of Delivered Emails)   
Unsubscribe RatePercentage of subscribers who unsubscribed (Number of Unsubscribes / the Number of Sends)
Unique Complaint RatePercentage of subscribers who sent a complaint (Number of Unique Complaints / the Number of Delivered Emails)
Unique Unsubscribe RatePercentage of subscribers who unsubscribed (Number of Unique Unsubscribes / the Number of Delivered Emails)
Subscriber Lost CountPercentage of subscribers no longer subscribed (Number of Unique emails that Unsubscribed or Complained or Hard Bounced)

Other Notes:

Open Rates

The open rate is calculated as the number of measured opened messages divided by the number of delivered messages.

Measured opens include emails in which images were enabled as well as “implied opens” on text messages that recorded a click on a link or an HTML message whose viewer didn’t enable images but clicked on a link

The unique open rate is calculated as the unique number of measured opened messages divided by the number of delivered messages.


Both the unique open rate and gross open rate can be calculated in multiple ways.

Click-through Rates

The click-through rate (CTR) is the number of unique clicks on links in the email message divided by the number of delivered email messages in a campaign.

The click-to-open rate (CTOR), also known as the effective rate, is the ratio of unique clicks as a percentage of unique opens.


CTOR measures click-through rates as a percentage of messages opened, instead of messages delivered.

List Churn Metrics

The unsubscribe rate is calculated as the unique number of subscribers that clicked on the unsubscribe link divided by the number of delivered email messages in a campaign.

The spam complaint rate is calculated as the unique number of subscribers that clicked on a "Report spam" or "Junk" button divided by the number of delivered messages in a campaign

The hard bounce rate is calculated as the number of emails that were bounced with an SMTP delivery error 5xx divided by the total number of messages sent out in a campaign

The hard bounce rate measures permanent delivery errors usually due to an invalid email address or a closed account.