Add a Subscriber to a List

Add a Single Subscriber to a Single List

Sometimes you need to add one or two subscribers to a list and don't want to have to run an import.  (If you want to add a list of subscribers to an existing list, please read the wiki article Importing Your List and select the list you would like to import into.)  To add a single subscriber to a specific list, please follow the steps below: 

  1. Open Subscribers & Lists in the left menu
  2. Click Lists
  3. Select the list you would like to add the subscriber to by clicking the list once
  4. Click the button in the top toolbar, Add Subscriber
  5. In the Subscriber window, enter the subscriber's information (email address)
  6. Scroll to the bottom and click Add
  7. The subscriber is now subscribed to the list

Add a Subscriber to One or Multiple Lists

Please follow these steps to manually edit subscriber subscription preferences:

  1. Open Subscribers & Lists in the left menu
  2. Click All Subscribers
  3. Search for the subscriber's email address in the search bar
  4. Edit the subscriber by clicking the email address twice or by selecting the subscriber and clicking Edit Subscriber
  5. Open the second tab, Available Lists
  6. Find the lists you would like to add the subscriber to and check the check box next to the list
    1. Note: To take the subscriber off of a list, uncheck the checkbox next to that list
  7. Scroll to the bottom and click Update