RSS feed Merge Tags

RSS feed Merge Tags

The RSS merge tags can be placed in an email that is setup via the RSS Schedule screen.


Control flow tags that can be used out of each loop in the email body

Control Flow TagDescription
<!-- cirssstart -->Start the loop of the RSS feed
<!-- cirssend -->End the loop of the RSS feed


Custom merge tags that can be used anywhere including the email subject line

Merge TagDescription
<!-- cirsssubject -->Title of RSS feed
%%cirsssubject%%Title of RSS feed to use inside the <title></title> tag of the message
<!-- cirssfirstentrysubject -->Subject of the first entry in the RSS feed
<!-- cirssentrycount -->The number of entries in the RSS feed
<!-- dateformat1 -->Email sent date in the form of: May 1, 2011


Standard merge tags that can be used in each loop in the email body

Merge TagDescriptionATOM entryRSS itemDepreciated Merge Tag
<!-- cirssauthoremail -->Author Emailauthor element email attributeauthor item 
<!-- cirssauthorname -->Author Nameauthor element name attribute <!-- cirssauthor -->
<!-- cirssauthoruri -->Author URIauthor element uri attribute  
<!-- cirsscategorylabel -->Category Labelcategory element label attributecategory item value 
<!-- cirsscategoryscheme -->Category Schemecategory element scheme attributecategory item domain attribute 
<!-- cirsscategoryterm -->Category Termcategory element term attribute  
<!-- cirsscomments -->Comments comments item value 
<!-- cirsscontent -->Contentcontent element valuedescription item value 
<!-- cirsscontentmode -->Content Modecontent element mode attribute (Atom 0.3 only)  
<!-- cirsscontentsrc -->Content Sourcecontent element src attribute  
<!-- cirsscontenttype -->Content Typecontent element type attribute  
<!-- cirsscontributoremail -->Contributor Emailcontributor element email attribute  
<!-- cirsscontributorname -->Contributor Namecontributor element name attribute  
<!-- cirsscontributoruri -->Contributor URIcontributor element uri attribute  
<!-- cirsscreateddate -->Created DateA date of created element value (Atom 0.3 only)  
<!-- cirsscreateddatetime -->Created TimeA time of created element value (Atom 0.3 only)  
<!-- cirssid -->IDid element valueguid item value 
<!-- cirssidpermalink -->ID Permalink guid item ispermalink attribute 
<!-- cirsslinkhref -->Link Hypertext Referencelink element href attributeenclosure item url attribute 
<!-- cirsslinkhreflang -->Link Hypertext Reference Languagelink element hreflang attribute  
<!-- cirsslinklength -->Link Lengthlink element length attributeenclosure item length attribute 
<!-- cirsslinkrel -->Link Alternate Representationlink element rel attribute  
<!-- cirsslinktitle -->Link Titlelink element title attribute  
<!-- cirsslinktype -->Link Typelink element type attributeenclosure item type attribute 
<!-- cirsspublisheddate -->Published DateA date of published element value (issued in Atom 0.3)pubDate item value<!-- cirssdate -->
<!-- cirsspublisheddatetime -->Published TimeA time of published element value (issued in Atom 0.3)  
<!-- cirssrights -->Rightsrights element value (copyright in Atom 0.3)  
<!-- cirssrsslink -->RSS Link link item value<!-- cirsslinkonly -->
<!-- cirsssource -->Source source item value 
<!-- cirsssourceurl -->Source URL source item url attribute 
<!-- cirsssummary -->Summarysummary element value  
<!-- cirsssummarymode -->Summary Modesummary element mode attribute (Atom 0.3 only)  
<!-- cirsssummarysrc -->Summary Source

Blank for all well-formed Atom feeds.

Contains data only if an Atom 1.0 feed uses a contentelement format for the summary element.

<!-- cirsssummarytype -->Summary Typesummary element type attribute  
<!-- cirsstitle -->Titletitle element valuetitle item value<!-- cirsstitleonly -->
<!-- cirssupdateddate -->Updated DateA date of updated element value (modified in Atom 0.3)  
<!-- cirssupdateddatetime -->Updated TimeA time of updated element value (modified in Atom 0.3)  
<!-- cirssuri -->URI RSS 1.0 link item rdf:aboutattribute 
<!-- cirssxmlbase -->XML Basecontent element xml:base attribute  


Dublin Core extensions merge tags that can be used in each loop in the email body

Merge TagElementDescription
<!-- cirssdccontributor -->dc:contributorThe people or organizations responsible for contributing to the resource
<!-- cirssdccoverage -->dc:coverageThe extent of the content in the resource
<!-- cirssdccreator -->dc:creatorThe person or organization responsible for creating this resource
<!-- cirssdcdate -->dc:dateA date associated with this resource
<!-- cirssdcdatetime -->A time associated with this resource
<!-- cirssdcdescription -->dc:descriptionA summary of the resource contents
<!-- cirssdcformat -->dc:formatThe file format, physical medium, or dimensions of the resource
<!-- cirssdcidentifier -->dc:identifierA string that can be used to unambiguously identify the resource
<!-- cirssdclanguage -->dc:languageThe language in which the resource is written
<!-- cirssdcpublisher -->dc:publisherThe person or organization responsible for making the resource available.
<!-- cirssdcrelation -->dc:relationThe identifier of a related resource, typically.
<!-- cirssdcright -->dc:rightInformation about the property rights for the resource.
<!-- cirssdcsource -->dc:sourceA reference to the material from which this resource was derived.
<!-- cirssdcsubjecttaxonomyuri -->dc:subject_taxonomyuriThe taxonomyURI attribute of the Dublin Core subject element
<!-- cirssdcsubjectvalue -->dc:subject_valueThe value of the Dublin Core subject element; a string that defines the topic of the resource
<!-- cirssdctitle -->dc:titleA name to use for the resource
<!-- cirssdctype -->dc:typeThe nature or genre of the resource


Custom merge tags that can be used in each loop in the email body

Merge TagElementDescription
<!-- cirssimageurl -->media:content url=""The thumbnail image of each entry in the RSS feed (beta)
<!-- cirssentrynumber --> The index of each entry. E.g., the first entry's index is 1; and the second entry's index is 2.
<!-- cirsstimezone --> The time zone that is set in your account preferences
<!-- cirssinsertstart X --> Start the entry-index-specific content that shows only when the entry's index is X
<!-- cirssinsertend --> End the entry-index-specific content


Social Media Share Tags

Merge TagDescription
<a href="<!-- cirsstitle --> <!-- cirsslinkonly -->" target="_blank" title="Tweet This!"></a>A link to tweet the specific RSS item
<a href="<!-- cirsslinkonly -->" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="Share on Facebook"></a>A link to share the specific RSS item on Facebook