How to Edit an SMS List

Edit SMS list information

  1. Click Subscribers & Lists and then click Lists in the left-side menu. 
  2. Select the list you want to edit. 
  3. Click the Edit List button at the top of the page. 
    1. From this screen you can edit information including the name, description, from number, subscriber keyword, unsubscribe keyword, and message responses.
    2. To Add a new SMS Number, follow the steps at the top of the Add New List Wiki article, then come back to the List editor window.

Manually unsubscribe or resubscribe SMS numbers from the SMS list

  1. Click Subscribers & Lists and then click Subscribers in the left-side menu.
  2. Search for the subscriber you would like to manually unsubscribe or resubscribe in the search bar.
  3. Double click on the subscriber and open the tab, "SMS Lists"
  4. Check the box next the the SMS lists you would like to subscribe them to or uncheck the boxes to unsubscribe them from the lists.
  5. To unsubscribe them from all SMS Lists, open the tab "Subscriber Information" and check the box next to "SMS Unsubscribe from All."