Export Active Subscribers by List

To Export only active subscribers by list, you have two options:

1. Create a Dynamic List of only active subscribers and export this list

To create a dynamic list:

  1. Open the Subscribers & Lists folder and click Lists
  2. Click the Add List button at the top of the grid and then select the type Dynamic
  3. Name the list (could use the same name as the original, and then add the word "Active Subs" to the beginning)
  4. Select the list you want to see only the active subscribers from
  5. Leave the rules blank
  6. Click Save Rules

Then run the Export Subscribers by List Report, selecting this dynamic list.

  1. Click Reports
  2. Click Custom Reports
  3. Double click Export Subscribers by List
  4. You'll see a grid listing all of your lists
  5. Double click new dynamic list you just created
  6. To view the report, click the link in the message box to view the report in Excel


2. Export a list, then sort by the Unsubscribed from All flag

First, run the Export Subscribers by List report:

  1. Click Reports
  2. Click Custom Reports
  3. Double click Export Subscribers by List
  4. You'll see a grid listing all of your lists
  5. Double click the list you would like to export
  6. To view the report, click the link in the message box to view the report in Excel

Next, sort the list by highlighting the column "Unsubscribed From All" in excel.  Copy all of the subscribers with the value of "0" in this column to a new Excel file.  These are the active subscribers.